self development

/self development

What If….

It’s hard to believe that just a little over 2 years ago, to ‘walk’ into the grocery store from the parking lot would take me about 45 minutes, and when I entered inside the store doors, I was panting so hard you would think I just ran a marathon. The reality was, it felt like […]

By |2016-05-15T16:38:35+00:00May 15th, 2016|attitudes, Faith, leadership, Leadership Development, Mindset, Personal Growth, self development, Self Improvement, Success|Comments Off on What If….

Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead the Leaders: Little Known Factors That Could Affect Your Leadership Results

This is a saying I’ve vocalized for many years. This is more than just a focused statement for me.  It’s a value based approach I’ve lived for many years now.  “Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead the Leaders.” I first introduced this statement in the first version of  “The Power of Leadership in Business Networking”. Initially, this […]

By |2015-06-01T11:00:39+00:00June 1st, 2015|action leadership, attitudes, Business Growth, Business Networking, leadership, Leadership Development, leadership leagacy, Leadership Skill Sets, Personal Growth, self development, Self Improvement, Servant Leadership, Success, Wisdom, women business|Comments Off on Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead the Leaders: Little Known Factors That Could Affect Your Leadership Results

Leadership Skills Training Expert Debbra Sweet Speaks on Growing Business by Referrals

This Thursday, February 5th, Debbra Sweet will be one of the featured speakers at the upcoming BNI San Diego Event in recognition of International Networking Week 2015. Yesterday kicked off the 2015 International Networking Week, filled with events taking place globally to recognize the impact that word of mouth networking (referrals) has had in the business […]

By |2015-02-03T05:57:06+00:00February 3rd, 2015|business, Business Development, Business Growth, Business Networking, leadership, Leadership Skill Sets, Marketing, Marketing Consultant, marketing education, marketing event, networking, self development, Self Improvement, women business|Comments Off on Leadership Skills Training Expert Debbra Sweet Speaks on Growing Business by Referrals

Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead the Leaders

It’s almost the end of January of 2015, and I’ve finally decided what my ‘theme of the year’ is going to be. For me, this is a saying I’ve vocalized for many years now. Just not everyone has heard it yet. :) This theme is more than just a focused statement for me though. It’s […]

By |2015-01-26T06:39:44+00:00January 26th, 2015|action leadership, business, Business Development, Business Growth, Health & Wellness, Leadership Development, Leadership Skill Sets, self development, Weight Loss, wellness|Comments Off on Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead the Leaders

20 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

As we kick of this year of 2015, I thought I would share a few ‘unknown’ tidbits about myself.   The past couple years as I’ve finished rehabilitating from my severe traumatic brain injury, I’ve not publicly blogged much.  Offline, I have been writing and documenting my journey. (There’s much to share.) The best leaders are […]

By |2015-01-02T07:58:35+00:00January 2nd, 2015|action leadership, leadership, Leadership Skill Sets, Marketing Consultant, Mindset, Personal Growth, self development, Self Improvement|Comments Off on 20 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

2014 Focus: Alignment and Passion

If you read through my blog, you will discover that each year, not only do I do my personal and business goal planning, I also have a long history of starting each new year with a “Word of the Year” or a “Quote of the Year”. I do not really recall where and when I […]

By |2014-01-10T19:42:26+00:00January 10th, 2014|Abundance, Action, Debbra Sweet, leadership, Mindset, Personal Growth, Prosperity, self development, Servant Leadership, Wisdom|Comments Off on 2014 Focus: Alignment and Passion

The Rouse of the Rooster- Insights to Discipline in Leadership

When I get up, which often is in the wee hours of the morning, before the sun rises, I can hear the roosters in my neighborhood doing their job of crowing. It is interesting to me to hear them so proudly and fervently sing their rooster songs each morning. They are consistent and passionate about […]

By |2013-01-02T13:22:09+00:00January 2nd, 2013|Action, business, leadership, Leadership Development, leadership leagacy, Leadership Skill Sets, Mindset, Personal Growth, Prosperity, self development, Self Improvement, Servant Leadership, Wisdom, women business|Comments Off on The Rouse of the Rooster- Insights to Discipline in Leadership

Word of the Year 2013: Discipline

Each year, I seem to identify with a specific word or a specific phrase that becomes my personal mantra for the year. It’s not so much that this is a mantra, it is more like a focal point that ties in with personal, business and spiritual goals I have for the year. This year’s word is […]

Life Under the Brim- Part 2: Perspective.

As I continue to experience life from underneath the brim of wearing hats, it is interesting to see the literal change of perspective that occurs by simply placing the hat on. Each hat style, shape, color and even material they are made from effects my field of view. The hats I had to wear over […]

By |2012-11-21T13:51:39+00:00November 21st, 2012|Action, attitudes, leadership, Leadership Development, Leadership Skill Sets, Mindset, Personal Growth, self development, Self Improvement, Servant Leadership|Comments Off on Life Under the Brim- Part 2: Perspective.

Life Beneath the Brim- the Tip of Respect

This summer I had to start wearing hats is part of my daily wardrobe. I’ve enjoyed many observations from beneath the Brim.  Today’s post is part one of my sharing. When I was younger I used to wear hats from time to time by choice. I had different styles and most of them were elegant […]