Marketing Consultation from Expert Marketing Advisers Can Help Increase Your Profitability & Keep Your Business Growing!

Take control of your future today and schedule a FREE Marketing Consultation with a marketing coach from our staff of expert marketing advisers. For a limited time only, your first Initial Consultation Hour is Free (a $350 value) so take advantage of this great offer before it expires at the end of this month!

To Schedule Your Free Private Marketing Consultation Please Fill In Your Contact Info :


Attention Business Owners:

As of the most recent US Small Business Administration study, there were more small business closures than start ups. Businesses with less than 20 employees stand only a 37% chance of surviving to year four; decreasing to 9% to survive ten years. You can avoid being part of this statistic… but it takes action from you today!

This problem can be solved through expert guidance starting with marketing consultation from a highly qualified marketing coach from Sweet Marketing Solutions. We cater to growing businesses and we understand your individual and specialized needs. In one simple call, you’ll get personal attention, answers to specific questions, help with your problems, access to great new marketing tools and fresh new ideas you can start using today. Our knowledge and experience can help your business succeed by avoiding the pitfalls that may have afflicted you in the past and that can harm you tomorrow.

Schedule a FREE Marketing Consultation with a marketing coach from our staff of expert marketing advisers. For a limited time only, your first Initial Consultation Hour is Free (a $350 value) so take advantage of this great offer before it expires at the end of this month!

Call us: 760-597-2790  8am-5pm Monday-Friday PST

That’s right, the first hour is absolutely free. There’s no catch and no obligation. But hurry because this great offer is going to end soon! Learn more about the FREE Marketing Strategy Consulting session.


The founder of our marketing consultation firm, Debbra Sweet, will follow up with you personally. She has over 20 years of success as a strategic marketing consultant and as a marketing coach. Her marketing consulting services, based in San Diego, CA can help your small business succeed in this highly competitive environment. She has a passion for helping businesses achieve their growth goals. She’s walked in your shoes as she herself is a business owner.

This experience has produced strong results for many other business owners just like you. Although based in San Diego, she has consulting clients throughout the United States and in other countries all over the world.

In one simple call, you’ll get personal attention, answers to specific questions, help with your problems, access to great new marketing tools and fresh new ideas you can start using today. Right now for a limited time only, we’re offering you free marketing consultation from a strategic marketing consultant for the first hour FREE! That way you can just the information for yourself, risk-free, with no further obligation.

“Debbra, I am a REALTOR but have been in medical sales for most of the last 10 years, culminating in sales management. I am considering several roofing sales opportunities and wanted to speak with someone in the industry (in the “know”) to ask what they think of the outlook for this type of work, if it’s truly “recession-proof” as some of the hiring managers have pitched, whatever other advice I could get. I found your site through Google to then to a forum and then to your own website….as an “outsider” to this industry, I really would appreciate your advice. Thanks!”


“Debbra, I took your advice and went into roofing sales about a year and a half ago. I did very well, promoted to VP with my company….now I’m moving into materials distribution for Shake & Shingle….stay in touch!”

Jim Kulka/Colorado Springs, CO


“Ms. Marketing Guru”: You have become such a grounding force on our team—your presentation and commitment to mentoring in us has been such a blessing to our ability to increase our organizations member retention—you even inspired one of my divisions’ team members to step up to the plate to become a Mentor Coordinator! I have not been able to so inspire this division, but YOU did it! Thank you for all that you do!”

Pam Russell
San Diego, CA


“THANK YOU for all your work with our Mentor Program. I will be the first to admit that I am a sour puss about the whole thing because we should be displaying best practices frequently, on our own, HOWEVER!!!….the more I speak with others I work with, I know and realize this is an integral part of people doing what works, more often within our organization. So thank you for sticking to it, kicking butt and helping set us up for success!”

Andy C.
San Diego, CA


“The value you bring to me is that you always have faith and confidence in me and my work and that I can do well with my passion and vision.

I think you bring to a group the same thing but also your positive, cheerful smile and voice and your different way of looking at a subject at hand, always makes your attendees start to see things differently and to find new solutions and attitudes.

Remember, that is what Dr. Ivan Misner says, ATTITUDE, ATTITUDE, ATTITUDE!

That is what you give us!”

Melody B.







