Many of our CAN-DO™ clients tell us that they noticed the value of this process during the first or second session!

Here’s how this works:

The Assessment

  1. Conceptual Solidification.

During this part, we’re going to look at the business overall.  What’s working, what’s not, where is there opportunity to try new things that will get positive results happening faster.  We’ve had clients tell us that the information that they got in one day, they were able to use the next- and it was beneficial to them.

  1. Niche market refinement.

This part is the most exciting for our clients.  Here’s where you’re going to find many hidden profit opportunities.  Sometimes, as the decision maker, it’s easy to get stuck inside the business.  This leads to frustrating challenges that take a long time to resolve.  In the area of your marketing, here’s where you’re going to focus on the channels that will produce results faster.  We’re going to focus on connecting you with the right clients for your business.  When we have this information, we can then develop fresh, new concepts and approaches to your marketing.

  1. Connection Campaigns(TM)

This section is actually a package of low cost, easy to use, high impact, automated marketing tools that we get you set up on so you can start using them right away to connect with those that will make you money.

We also work in a couple of unique strategies during this phase. We use this for those times when you need to connect with the people quickly.   We also use this to open doors to areas you may have never looked into before for marketing your business.

  1. Systems to grow.

This last phase is critical for your businesses success. Without the right systems in place, your business may never reach its goals.  Too often businesses miss the mark because they’re not prepared to think on their toes when new business comes in.  They get caught off guard and miss opportunities to make sales.  This phase is critical to helping you launch your new marketing plans successfully.

Once we finish phase four, our team assembles a focused Marketing Action Plan for you.  We’ll lay out all the opportunities that will benefit your company.  You’ll get new ideas and proven approaches to marketing that will help you reach your goals. 

The Plan Development

After we present the MAP to you, the next thing that’s done is to lay out your marketing schedule.  We’ll have already decided your budget and gotten clear on what strategies/concepts you’re comfortable with.  With this in mind, we set out a specific plan of dates/times and accountabilities to help you stay on task towards reaching your goals. 


Last, we roll out those ideas and transition the ideas into real marketing pieces for you to use. 

The CAN-DO™ Packages


The CAN-DO Gold™

Do you want more of your “favorite” kind of customer?

The CAN-DO Gold™ is made for businesses that want to find and market to only one target market.

  • Its structure allows your business to increase sales in one niche market: long, wide and deep.
  • Your niche market could simply be your existing clients – or we will find and focus on a new target market.
  • You will get online and offline marketing strategies and tools that will help you tap into the potential of one target market with new ideas and creative concepts.
  • Contact us for a prelim consultation and pricing.


The CAN-DO Complete™

Want better results off-line but not yet ready to market online?

The CAN-DO Complete™ is made for businesses that want to find and market to three or more target niche markets using offline marketing only.


  • Concentration of marketing strategies that use proven offline techniques
  • Perfect for businesses that are in areas of the country where web use is still evolving
  • Excellent approach to increase client loyalty, increase repeat and referral business
  • Delivers strategic ideas for companies who are brick and mortar, do a lot of face to face work with clients 


The CAN-DO Platinum ™

Are you looking to grow your business online and off-line?

The CAN-DO Platinum™ is for businesses that want to use the power of the internet in their marketing as well as integrating proven off-line marketing techniques.

  • This is the powerhouse of marketing plans
  • Delivers to you an integrated, strategic and very robust marketing plan
  • Designed to carry your business 3, 5 and even 10 years forward
  • Has 3 or more target markets outlined, researched and includes new profit potential areas for your business


Contact Us or speak to a CAN-DO Facilitator™ to determine which CAN-DO™ is right for you.

As an Additional Bonus…

Each CAN-DO™ Process includes Connection Campaigns! Our clients come to us wanting ideas and direction- and many want to start “doing something” right away. Our Connection Campaigns package is included in your CAN-DO™ Process.

These are low cost, easy to use, high impact, high perceived value marketing tools that you can use right away. Your consultant will show you how we’ll integrate these tools into your larger strategies. The best part abouConnection Campaigns is you’ll be ready to see results right away with these tools.

Read the CAN-DO Process FAQ

Contact Us or give us a call toll free at 1-888-793-3885 to get started today.