What you say, how you say it, why you say, when and where you say it is an important cornerstone to your marketing success.

Many people say they are ‘writers’ but writing for marketing is very distinct. In fact, different types of marketing tools require distinct skill sets. Depending on your goal for your marketing, a keen understanding of how to write to move the reader to action is imperative.

The team at Sweet Marketing Solutions has writers with a variety of skills and years of experience in content development.  New York Times Best Selling Author, NLP Certified Copy Writers, PR Specialists, Blogging, Social Media Experts, Direct Response Writers … we understand the nuances you need to get the results you want. 


When your goal is to get results from your marketing then a quality content that converts is paramount.

From the way you answer the phone to the words on your web page- our copywriters will script attention getting, emotionally engaging, and problem solving content for you.

Our copy writers and marketing consultants work together on your projects to deliver clear, intentional and results driven content for all of your marketing material.

  • Do you get frustrated when you explain to people what you do- and they still say: “I’m still not sure what you do”?  Let our copy writers work for you. 
  • Do you see people glance at your current print collateral – just to have them quickly set it aside or toss it out?  The SMS team understands how visual and verbal communication need to flow to make your content ‘sticky’ and engaging.
  • Are you getting the conversions on your web site that you want? Writing for consumers, Google, representing your brand, with all the SEO is a talent. The SMS team knows how to do this for you.

There are very common mistakes that most businesses make when they attempt to do their own copy writing. These common mistakes can be costly- both in time and money.  Avoid being a victim to these mistakes.  Simply call today and speak with one of our specialists.   The words you say (in person or in print) can make or break a sale.  Let our experts’ help you get the results you’re looking for.

Sweet Marketing Solutions has content writers that create unique, fresh and original content just for you. . We understand language and behavioral nuances, We write for conversions of leads to clients.

Just a few of the types of content development we provide are:

  • Brochures
  • Post Cards
  • Fliers
  • Direct Response Mail
  • Email Marketing Campaigns
  • Print Ad Development and Clean Up
  • Websites
  • Social Networking
  • Blogs
  • Drip Marketing Content
  • Door Hangers
  • Rack Cards
  • Newsletters
  • Press Releases
  • Networking Commercials

Have a different type of copywriting need? Let’s talk. 
Contact us to set up a time for a complimentary review your current marketing content.

1-888-SWEET-85 or Contact Us

Business: Texas A&M University-Commerce

Hello Debbra Sweet,

I enjoyed reading the Leadership Series.

I was wondering if we could get some of your books for a leadership Business conference that is being held at Paris Junior College.

We are having businessmen from across the state of Texas to come and have a one day conference over how to start a business, social networking and how to be a great leader. I thought your books would be a great asset. I wanted to use them as a door prize and also a way to promote your books. If you have flyers, bookmarkers, or any upcoming information on new books coming out I could pass along, I would be happy to promote them as well.

If you can do this please contact me.
B. Moffitt

P.S. Thank You and keep up the great writing!

Betty M., Texas A & M University

Sept 2007

You were able to put into words what I was thinking but could not express myself fully.

I love it!

Jake H.

Jake H., Local Focus Photography


Just a note to say thank you for the most excellent training session today.  The way you speak, the way you write is easy to understand and apply info right away.

The check for the book is on the way to the address on the card.

Have a great week,

Ronald G.

Ronald G.