A strong Corporate Identity Accurately Reflects the Essence of Your Company’s Products, Services, Ethics, Core Values through a visual representation.


Your Corporate Identity is the cornerstone of what makes your company unique. The right corporate identity will help you attract the right prospects. The image of your company can quickly attract or dissuade prospects.  Your corporate identity will help you lock in your position in the marketplace and easily differentiate you from your competitors.

  • Is the ‘Look’ of Your Company’s Logo  Marketing Materials aligned with your brand?
  • Are you using many ‘versions’ of your logo on your marketing?
  • Can your logo easily be used and printed with brand consistency on a variety of materials and visual mediums used in marketing?
  • Do your customers and prospects ‘know’ your logo represents your company… at just a glance? 
  • Does your logo and corporate identity evoke the emotional ties to your company that you really want?

Just as business is fluid, marketing is ever evolving.  What drives consumers to do business with you today is different than the influencer of last year, even 6 months ago.  Your corporate identity is an area that needs to be reviewed periodically. 

There are times when a whole new ‘look and face’ to your company is best.  Other times, minor refinements to your Corporate Identity is key.

If you’ve never had a review of your company’s marketing materials by a professional consultant, it’s time.

Our marketing consultants and creative services team can assess your current identity package and guide you if your identity needs to be modified or overhauled to help you reach your marketing goals.  If you’re just starting out, we can assist you in developing a strong corporate identity to launch your company with.

Your corporate identity reflects your company culture and can be seen throughout your: logo, letterhead,  print marketing collateral pieces, website, messaging, promotional items and more.

Call to talk to our marketing specialists today: (888) SWEET-85.

Or email us a sample of your current marketing pieces and receive a complimentary assessment to see if you would benefit from updating your identity.

Below are just a few of the marketing materials and Corporate Identities we have helped to develop.   View samples of our logo work we’ve done here.